Accessing Your Spiritual Inheritance Book

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This is our book that grew out of experimentation with the 528 Creative DNA essence. I would put this in the Christian mysticism category, not for everyone, but if you're into visions, being active in the spirit realm, recovering the things your ancestors gave up, and want a step by step plan to do those things, you'll probably like it. To get the Kindle version, click here.

From the back cover:

It's Your Turn to Go Through the Door

Alice didn't fall down a rabbit hole but she did walk through a mystical doorway in a vision to recover blessings her ancestors failed to claim. When Alice came back and shared her experience, Seneca wasted no time going through her own door. Del’s approach differed — she wound up floating along in her bloodstream! 

Through telling our stories, others went through their own doors, leading to better relationships with God, increase in finances, favor, and giftings. Although this book touches on generational curses and how to remove them, we focus on claiming the blessings your family line has lost. However, you'll need to be open to having a vision, and we'll walk you through the step-by-step process so that you, too, can restore your lost generational blessings. 

Your hidden inheritance awaits!