Anger Management Flower Essence


Let Go of Anger the Easy Way

"Trying to control yourself via will power is exhausting. Do yourself and everybody around you a favor and get this stuff and get over it!" -Michael

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Anger Management flower essence blend helps get rid of rage, repressed anger, resentment and irritation. You can't control what others say or do, but you can change the way you react to them. 
Anger Management flower essence may help with:
  • Releasing bitterness and resentment
  • Feeling peaceful and letting go of repetitive thoughts
  • Enjoying the people that you're with
  • Relaxing jaw tension
  • Stabilizing moods
  • Forgiving and letting go
  • Dissolving fear, suppressed anger, and frustration
  • Relating to others without feeling a need for armor and guardedness

"My whole family has been taking this... we put it in our morning pot of coffee and in my toddler's water. It's made such a difference in all of us! We are all better able to manage our anger and in better moods and getting along with each other. Definitely recommend!" - Alissa

Allll the flowers involved:

Plantain flower essence helps us to release bitterness, hostility, and resentment.  It dissolves detrimental and repetitive thought patterns that keep us stuck in old cycles.  It transforms "biting" words into a more effective way of communicating as well as healing wounds inflicted by others.  It's the "get along" essence. 

Ever get mad at somebody because they are mad at you? Do you ever take on other people's emotions and mirror it back to them? Even if you are not an empath, anger is a natural emotional response in situations where you feel attacked. Moonshine Yarrow flower essence helps to keep you immune to other people's anger issues and antagonism. You'll be better able to separate your feelings from theirs and remain unaffected by their dissatisfaction, jealousy, and negative or hostile energy.

Sow thistle helps you deal effectively with inappropriate conduct, whether you are the problem, or the other person is.  It encourages you to stand up to bullies and is helpful in reconciling issues in group situations.  Think of Sow Thistle as anti-domineering.  Whether its obnoxious, pushy behavior, or a more subtle controlling relationship using manipulation or smothering, Sow Thistle brings it to light, helping you to make healthy changes.
Snapdragon helps release tension in the jaw area from holding back words, or for those with less self-control, letting abusive words fly.  Sarcasm, criticism, teeth grinding, TMJ or the need to eat hard crunchy or chewy things can indicate a need for Snapdragon essence.


Kerria helps us balance and stabilize our emotions, especially in cases of excessive mood swings and rage.  It helps to counter polarized moods, bringing a healthier sense of self and personal power.
Milk Thistle helps the person to forgive and let go of anger, especially in cases of longstanding family problems.  It is effective whether the person is in touch with their feelings or it's an unconscious holding.  Violent or emotional dreams can occur with this essence as a cathartic release.


Sweet Cherry is a good remedy for fear, anger, and frustration.  It enhances your ability to see goodness and softens your heart towards others.  It takes down walls of self-protection that keep us from relating well with others.  

Don't let anger continue to sabotage your relationships, career and decision process. Work on it the easy way with Anger Management flower essence.

This is a 1 oz bottle that should last about a month of daily dosing.
We recommend taking no more than one blend at a time. Here's why and some possible work arounds.
All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative. You can read more on why we use brandy here

Your order comes with dosing instructions, here's how to use essences if you want to read up before your order arrives. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any healing program.