Work With Seneca
Ordering a custom combo is your only way of booking a consultation with me. I can help you access what you need and make you a custom essence blend. This can be via phone or email, I'll listen and jot down some flowers I think are relevant, and then shoot them to you in an email for final approval. You then look them over and if anything seems off, or not quite you, I'll adjust.
To get this process started, order a Custom Combo and I'll be in touch!
Leah Lesesne, MA - Shelemah

As a counselor I love how flower essences work as a gentle support to inner healing and emotional health, especially when words just don't touch the hurt. For many of my clients flower essences are the tipping point they need towards breakthrough! I offer flower essence consulations as well as private and group inner healing sessions.

Rebecca Rumpf - Tuning Fork Flowers

I have felt deeply connected to the natural world since childhood, and I love collaborating with the energy of plants and water to create the potential for healing and restoration. I have spent over a decade practicing Taoist methods of energy healing & meditation, and have been a dedicated yoga practitioner for nearly 20 years (teaching for 12 of those years). A cornerstone of my work as a flower essence practitioner is a deep reverence for life and the Divine energy that is always available to us.