Emotion Focused Custom Combo

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 Flower essences can help with virtually any emotional problem you may be having. Sometimes it's not that easy to just "get over it" or "think positive". You need a little help to break free of the old patterns. Flower essences can speed the healing process along.  

A Custom Blend is far superior to buying a Bouquet Blend that isn't quite what you need it to be or trying to take multiple blends (remember, we say not to do that). Ordering a Custom Blend may also save you money over buying several bottles of individual essences to get what you need.

Additionally, we often use flowers in custom blends that aren’t available in the off-the-shelf blends, because they are very specific to unique problems and the Bouquet Blends are formulated to help a wide range of people. 

How It Works:

  • You'll get an email right after you purchase to sign the liability release 
  • After you sign the release, you'll get an email from your flower essence practitioner to start your consultation
  • You discuss your most important problem that’s at the forefront of your life right now
  • Your practitioner will create a proposal for a custom blend of up to seven individual (not blends) flower essences
  • You'll look this over in an email, and will need to finalize or ask for a revision before we create your blend
  • When you give us the “ok” we’ll make up your bottle and ship it out. You’ll also get a sheet with the attributes of all the flowers used


  • Is the custom combo included with the consultation?
    Yes, the purpose of the consultation is to make your custom combo. The price includes your custom blend and the consult. Unless you choose the reorder option which just includes the combo without consultation. 

  • Can I get a consultation without the combo?
    No, you probably need a talk therapist, not an essence practitioner. 

  • Is this for physical issues?
    No, if your issue is primarily physical instead of emotional, you'll want a You Choose Bioessence, our Bioresonance Analysis, or a Physically Focused Custom with naturopath consultation (only available to Vital Essence Association members)

  • What happens in a consultation?
    We don't make this any more complicated than it needs to be. We do not have any kind of exciting or elaborate system. There is no muscle testing, divination, or standard interview questioning. You explain and your flower essence practitioner listens and maybe asks a few clarifying questions. This is not an inner healing or counseling session and typically only requires 2-3 emails back and forth before your blend is finalized. 

  • How do I use the essences?
    Same dosage as with all the other essences. We recommend not taking any other flower essences with your Custom blend. You should be familiar with basic essence usage and how to scale your dose up and down before ordering a Custom. Your practitioner will not spend consultation time going over these instructions. 


If you would like to buy one of these, please read the following carefully. By purchasing, you are agreeing to these terms.


Process and Expectations


  • The consultation will be conducted by email only. 
  • When I place my order I will get an email to sign the liability release. I understand I must sign this release before my consultation can begin.
  • It is my duty to respond to the consultation emails in a timely manner. I agree to respond within 5 days of making my purchase and understand that if I do not respond within 5 days, my order will be canceled and I will receive store credit so I can try again when I have time to respond. 
  • The consultation will include a discussion to identify areas of support and create a custom blend tailored to my needs.
  • This consultation is for an emotionally focused custom blend. While sharing physical health issues may give some emotional root clues, I understand that the purpose of this consultation is not to discuss physical health needs and the blend will not be made solely on physical health information. 
  • Adjustments to the recommended blend can be made based on my feedback prior to finalizing the blend.
  • It is expected that my consultation and finalizing the blend will be completed within a week of the consultation beginning. If I fail to respond to emails and confirm the suggested essences for my blend the consultant will either approve the blend on my behalf for shipping or will refund me a store credit of $35 plus shipping costs depending on how far we had gotten with the consultation at the time I stopped replying in a timely manner. 


Voluntary Participation


  • My participation is voluntary, and I can discontinue at any time.
  • No guarantees are made regarding the outcomes of using flower essences.
  • I understand that there are no refunds should I be unhappy with my blend. It is my duty to provide my consultant with as much information as is helpful to create the blend and my duty to approve the blend suggestions. The effectiveness of the blend will depend on my ability to adequately communicate my needs. 


Education and Responsibility


  • I agree to educate myself on the proper usage of flower essences and to follow the dosing instructions provided.
  • I acknowledge the possibility of a healing crisis and accept responsibility for educating myself on how to handle one should it arise.
  • I acknowledge that Freedom Flowers has made education materials abundantly available and it is my responsibility to make use of those resources.


Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability


  • I assume full responsibility for my participation and use of the flower essence blend.
  • I affirm I have truthfully represented who this essence consultation is for and agree that the consultation may only be for myself or my legal dependents. 
  • I release the flower essence practitioner, Freedom Flowers, and associated entities from any liability for potential reactions or outcomes related to the use of the flower essences.


Ordering for Another Person: 

You may only order for yourself or your legal dependents. Your children over 18 are adults and need to order for themselves. Your spouse is an adult and needs to order for themselves. If you are a practitioner of some kind, your clients are not your dependents, they need to order themselves.

If you order for another person that is not your dependent we will not do the consultation with you, nor will we have you play middleman forwarding emails to the intended recipient. Your order will be refunded and you will need to encourage the person to order themselves if they would like a Custom Combo. 


Refunds and cancellations:

Custom combo essences are non-refundable. If you go through the consultation process, and decide you don’t want your essence, you’ll get $35 plus your shipping cost back. Our return policy for non-custom essences is over here


  • This is a 1 oz bottle that should last about a month of daily dosing.
  • We recommend taking no more than one blend at a time. Here's why and some possible work arounds

  • All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative. You can read more on why we use brandy here

  • Your order comes with dosing instructions, here's how to use essences if you want to read up before your order arrives. 

  • These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any healing program.


Flower Essence Practitioners:

Leah Lesesne

Leah has worked with Seneca for almost a decade learning her approach to essence blending and helping her pioneer new territory. Bringing together her unique skill set of counseling training, inner healing prayer ministry, and mind-body, she loves helping clients find the flower essence blend that will propel them into their next level of freedom and wholeness. If you select "Freedom Flowers Staff" she's who you'll be working with. Aside from flower essence consulting, you can find her at Captive Thought Therapy


Seneca Schurbon

Author and founder of Freedom Flowers, Seneca started making essences intuitively when she was a little girl. It took another 20 years to start taking flowers seriously. Seneca has a burning desire to bring health to our issues in a gentle and natural way.