Daffodil Flower Essence

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Daffodil increases sensitivity and connection to the voice of Creator. Daffodil facilitates an illumination and clarity into complicated decisions and identity crises and is the perfect adjunct to spiritual pursuits. It relieves feelings of shyness for those who can't find their voice or are afraid to use it. Daffodil helps you see the big picture and realize where you fit into it. The big picture view becomes necessary in times when we become fixated on an object of desire or, conversely, something we dislike. Both extremes become a stumbling block to receiving undistorted unbiased communication from a higher source. Daffodil also helps cut through negative communications in earthly relationships. It's clarifying action helps you to truly hear what’s being said, or not said, allowing you to deal with the real issue. 

Other Products Containing Daffodil Flower Essence:

  • Open Ears Blend deals with common blocks to spiritual hearing and amplifies your ability to tune into divine guidance and make decisions. 

This is a 1 oz bottle that should last about a month of daily dosing.
All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative. You can read more on why we use brandy here

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any healing program.