Myopia Support Bioesssence


Energetic Support For Distance Vision

"Something is happening! I can make out letters without squinting!" – EMF
"My eye muscles are more relaxed." – Margie
"This blend has a very calming effect on my whole body." – Sylvie

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Myopia Support combines flowers that counter the spiritual and emotional roots of myopia, along with specific frequencies that provide proper signaling to the body to help the ciliary muscle relax and allow your lens to return to its natural shape. We've also included frequencies of nutrients known to promote eye health. 

The Emotional Roots

Some questions to ponder on... What is it that you don't want to metaphorically see? What in your immediate circumstances do you feel pressure to keep an eye on? Current stressors can literally tense the tiny muscles around your eyes, causing your lens to flex out of focus. Your ciliary muscle needs to tense slightly to focus closeup, and needs to relax to see farther.

  • Dandelion flower essence is the classic for stress being held in your muscles. Dandelion also helps the type A's who jam pack their life beyond the point where they function well. 
  • Blue Vervain also helps with eyestrain from being too task focused, and ignoring your need for eye health breaks, looking into the distance here and there instead of fixation on screens. 
  • Lettuce is an all around nervous system calmer. It helps with all kinds of stress and dysregulation.

Myopia is "nearsightness." The distance is fuzzy.  I can't tell you how many times I've said to someone pushing me for an answer to something in the future "I don't know. I can't look at that right now, I just have to focus on the very next thing I have to do, then I can get back to you on that."

If the "where do you see yourself in 10 years" question is hard for you, it might be contributing to your eyesight being limited. We need to be able to see new possibilities and have a vision for our future.

  • Hawkweed flower essence is for that big picture vision. It helps as you take time to vision where you want to be in the future, and to look at all the things you may have been resistant to before. 
  • Brodiaea flower essence can help you gain clarity and focus on your spiritual path and your life purpose. It can help you understand your destiny or calling in life. Brodaiea can help you connect your mind to your spirit, so you can better understand the big questions in life, like why we're here. Brodiaea can help you move beyond your logical mind to glimpse the infinite possibilities of the universe and your own place in it.
  • Chia flower essence gives us a sense of peace, stability and grounding. Historically the seeds were used as an eye cleanser; we find it bumps our spiritual visions up a notch and also seems to bring balance to our timelines if we are living too much in the moment with little regard for the future.  
  • Queen Anne's Lace is none other than wild carrot, and we use it for spiritual sight, although people have reported their natural vision improving as well. 

In addition to contemplating these emotional roots, you might also look back to when you noticed your vision going downhill, and try to determine what was going on in your life that was a stressor. 

The Rest of the Frequencies

Bilberry, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Magnesium glycinate, Zinc bisglycinate, Copper, Vitamin C, Citrus bioflavonoids, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B1, Carrot, Horsetail, Black Currant bud, Omega 3 essential fatty acids, and specific htz frequencies that support distance vision.

This is a 1 oz bottle that should last about a month of daily dosing.
We recommend taking no more than one blend at a time. Here's why and some possible work arounds.
All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative. You can read more on why we use brandy here

Your order comes with dosing instructions, here's how to use essences if you want to read up before your order arrives.  

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any healing program.