Solomon's Seal Flower Essence

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Solomon's Seal helps you relinquish control and attachment to outcomes so you can go with the flow. It helps you move through disappointment and frustration quickly so you can refocus and adjust your way of doing things. It helps you learn from mistakes, adapt to unforeseen circumstances, and work effectively with things outside your control. 

Other Products Containing Solomon's Seal Flower Essence:

  • Tomorrow flower essence blend combines Solomon's Seal with other flowers to restore hope, get over disappointment, and have an optimistic view of the future.
  • New Home essence blend helps pets roll with changes such as moving, new family or new routines.
  • Chatterbox Flower Blend specially crafted blend designed to support and enhance verbal communication in children. Whether it’s a delay in starting to talk or challenges with speech, "Chatterbox" is here to help your child find their voice.
  • Temper Tamer Flower Blend a unique blend of natural flower essences designed to bring emotional calmness and resilience. Our specially formulated essence is perfect for children who experience tantrums, frustration, or have difficulty regulating their emotions.
  • First Quarter Moon Phase is an essence created to support those born during this moon phase  

This is a 1 oz bottle that should last about a month of daily dosing.
All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative. You can read more on why we use brandy here

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any healing program.