Source Connection Essence


Tune Into the Divine 

"There is a deep, warm, comfort & closeness with Papa God. Much more aware of His constant presence & love.
This is such a peaceful essence." -MK

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Deepen your spiritual connection!  Unlock the hidden realms of spiritual enlightenment and experience a profound connection with the divine. Source Connection Essence is a meticulously crafted blend, harnessing the power of nature's bounty to elevate your spiritual journey to new heights.

Source Connection is a blend of: 

Angelica flower essence helps us strengthen that connection between heaven and earth. It's strongly grounded, and also sends its tall strong stocks skyward. The latin name Angelica Archangelica doubly cements its angelic connection, and even the flowers are orbs!  Angelica can help you tune into the angelic realm, but it also removes any notions or hang-ups we might have that tell us we need an intermediary between us and God. If we have set someone or some religious system as a substitution for a direct line of communication, Angelica shows us how we’ve done so and that this is unnecessary. 
Aurinia instills a deep security and trust that you are taken care of and that you have already been given everything necessary to succeed in the place you're called. Dreams, visions and other avenues of spiritual awareness help to build a resolve of boldness and fearlessness. 
California Poppy helps you tune into your true spiritual path. It helps navigate between false spiritual experiences and man-made religious systems/spiritual abuse to find a genuine connection from within your own heart. It also helps with the compulsion to buy new things, gamble, feed addictions, or other attempts to fill a hole. California Poppy helps inner development so you can move into advanced states of spiritual experience without the influence of predatory systems.  

Emerald ushers out any perceptions of lack, fear and frustration and strengthens your connection to the Divine and perfect love. It helps us see all things in life as gifts, and gives us the ability to see the positives in any situation. This emerald essence was made from a supernaturally manifested gemstone.

Order Source Connection Essence today and embark on an extraordinary spiritual odyssey like no other! 

This is a 1 oz bottle that should last about a month of daily dosing.
We recommend taking no more than one blend at a time. Here's why and some possible work arounds.
All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative. You can read more on why we use brandy here

Your order comes with dosing instructions, here's how to use essences if you want to read up before your order arrives. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any healing program.