Sweet Pea Flower Essence

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Sweet Pea helps with finding a sense of one's place on earth and true social bonds. Useful for frequent travelers who are homesick, military families, and those who move from one thing or people group to another without becoming truly involved, Sweet Pea offers a sense of roots and connectedness. Sweet Pea is also a great aid for kids and pets that have just undergone a move and need to settle in and make new friends.

Blends Containing Sweet Pea Flower Essence: 

  • Bravely You- combines Sweet Pea with other flowers that help you stand in your individual identity and be more comfortable being yourself, especially if you feel like you’ve always had trouble fitting in. 
  • New Home- essence helps your pet adapt to new family, home or other changes.
  • Harmony Pet BlendFor multi-pet households, especially involving different species.  Helps everyone stay calm and get along. 

This is a 1 oz bottle that should last about a month of daily dosing.
All of our essences are made with brandy as the preservative. You can read more on why we use brandy here


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any healing program.